Streamline Your Leasing Operations

Attract renters, boost retention rates and power a better renter experience by going deposit-free with Obligo 

  • Eliminate security deposit management and stay protected
  • Offer meaningful amenities and perks to boost your bottom line
  • Accelerate the leasing process with Open Banking based screening and move-in payment processing
  • Comply with ever-changing security deposit regulations

assets for blog-05

What is Obligo?

It`s a secure and limited connection to your resident`s bank account, allowing you to charge for damages or missed rent.

Keep renters accountable without burdening them with large upfront deposits.

How it Works


Attract Tenants Faster

Deposit free properties allow you to fill vacancies faster and increase NOI. Improve your rental experience, reviews for your company and overall happiness from your tenants.

With Obligo you can return much needed cash into their hands while still giving yourself full protection from any damage or missed rent.


Don`t worry about
endless regulations

With Obligo you no longer have to worry about constantly changing laws regarding security deposits. We can even provide protection above state maximums to help cover damages.


Protected & Accountable

All applicants are screened through out ID verification and FICO process. You`ll get paid immediately in the case of missed rent or damages.

Obligo has 4 levels of financial protection and is audited by Ernst & Young. Backed by strong creditors who provide the credit facilities which backstop the residents` obligations.

You`re protected & covered!